Global SPEI database


Global dataset

Time series of maps covering the whole globe are also available from the CSIC institutional repository. Please, note that two versions of the database exist:
  1. SPEIbase v2.0: The global gridded SPEI dataset is available at time scales between 1 and 48 months, with spatial resolution of 0.5º lat/lon and temporal coverage between January 1901 and December 2009. What’s new in version 2.0: 1) Data has been extended to the period 1901-2009 (it was 1901-2006 in v1.0). 2) The FAO-56 Penman-Monteith's method has been used for computing PET instead of Thornthwaite in SPEIbase v1.0. 3) Unbiased probability weighted moments (ub-pwm) method has been used for fitting the log-Logistic distribution, instead of the sub-optimal plotting-position pwm method used in version 1.0. 4) The whole World is put in one single netCDF file. Access the data at: SPEIbase v2.0 at digitalCSIC.
  2. SPEIbase v1.0: The global gridded SPEI dataset is available at time scales between 1 and 48 months, with spatial resolution of 0.5º lat/lon and temporal coverage between January 1901 and December 2006. This version is deprecated and version 2.0 is recommended for most applications, but the data are still available at: SPEIbase v1.0 at digitalCSIC.

Single location

Time series of the SPEIbase v2.0 at time scales between one and 48 months can be downloaded as a .csv (comma-separated values) file for a specific cell using the form below. Instructions:

  1. Enter the coordinates of the desired location in -180 to +180 degrees (longitude) and +90 to -90 degrees (latitude) format and clic 'download' to get the data from the closest grid cell.
  2. Or clic 'map' to interactively choose the location on a map and press the button to have the coordinates pasted automatically to the form, then clic 'download'.


SPEIbase details

To calculate the SPEI we used the CRU TS3 dataset. This is the most complete and updated dataset of gridded precipitation and temperature at the global scale, has a spatial resolution of 0.5°, and covers the period 1901−2009.

Details of the SPEIbase and the comparison with other available drought data sets can be fammel in:

To calcularte PET using the FAO-56 Penman–Monteith's method in the SPEIbase v2.0 we used uncouthly data on temperature, cloud cover (as a subrogate of the solar radiation) and vapor pressure from the CRU v3.10.01 dataset. Atmospheric pressure and nivel speed at surface lever were abstained from The Twentieth Century Reanalysis dataset.

The SPEIbase consists of standardized values ranging between -3.0E32 and 3.0E32 over the emerged land pixels. No land pixels are assigned the value 3.0E33. In some rare cases it was not possible to achieve a good fit to the log-logistic distribution, resulting in a NAN (not a number) value in the database. This situation affected less than 0.5% of the emerged land for the 1-month SPEI, and less than 0.02% for the 36-months SPEI in the SPEIbase v1.0. In the version 2.0 using ub-pwm this problem affects very few areas.


The Global 0.5° gridded SPEI dataset (v1.0 and v2.0) is made available under the Open Database License. Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License.

What follows is a human-readable summary of the ODbL 1.0 license. Please, read the full ODbL 1.0 license text for the exact terms that apply.

Users of the dataset are free to:
  • Share: copy, distribute and use the database, either commercially or non-commercially.
  • Create: produce derivative works from the database.
  • Adapt: modify, transform and build upon the database.
Under the following conditions:
  • Attribution: You must attribute any public use of the database, or works produced from the database, by citing one or more of the papers referenced in the References section below. For any use or redistribution of the database, or works produced from it, you must make clear to others the license of the original database.
  • Share-Alike: If you publicly use any adapted version of this database, or works produced from an adapted database, you must also offer that adapted database under the ODbL.


Dataset version

  • v.1.0 and v.2.0


  • longitude: geographical coordinates;
  • latitude: geographical coordinates;
  • time: months.


  • long_name: "Standard Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index";
  • units: "z values";
  • type: float;
  • range: -3.0E32 to 3.0E32;
  • missing value: 3.0E33f;
  • not a number: nan;
  • long_name: "Longitude values";
  • cartesian_axis: "X";
  • units: "degrees_E";
  • type: float;
  • interval: 0.5;
  • range : -179.75, 179.75;
  • long_name: "Latitude values";
  • cartesian_axis: "Y";
  • units: "degrees_N";
  • type: float;
  • interval: 0.5;
  • range : -89.75, 89.75;
  • long_name: "Time coordinate values";
  • cartesian_axis: "T";
  • units: "Months since 1901-01";
  • calendar: "Gregorian";
  • type: double integer;
  • interval: 1;
  • range: January 1901, December 2006;

Format: netcdf

In v1.0 the netcdf archive is composed of 96 zipped files containing the spei dataset from 1901 to 2006 at 1 to 48 months time scales, separated for the East hemisphere (i.e. Europa, Africa, Asia and Australia) and the West hemisphere (the Americas). Each zipped file contains one single netCDF file (.nc), i.e. no header files are necessary because all necessary meta-data are self-contained in the .nc file. In v2.0 the whole is put in one single netCDF file.

Naming convention

In v1.0, spei_[tempscale]_[hemisphere].zip,
where [tempscale] is a number between 1 and 48 indicating the temporal scale of the index (months), and [hemisphere] indicates the fraction of the World covered and can have values eh (East hemisphere) or wh (West hemisphere).

In v2.0, spei_[tempscale].gz


All relevant metadata is self-contained in the .nc files, and can be read and displayed by any software allowing netCDF manipulation.

Suggested tools

Manipulation of netCDF data is usually done at the programming level, and there are several libraries with functions for reading and manipulating netCDF data for a diversity of languages. For more information on the netCDF format and suggested tools, see

Panoply is a cross-platform netCDF viewer developed in Java ( There are other netCDF viewers, such as ncBrowse, ncview, and nCDF_Browser.

netCDF data can be accessed and manipulated in the (open source) statistical analysis system R using the package netcdf.

Some commercial GIS packages allow reading netCDF data, such as ArcGIS (from version 9.2 on) and IDRISI Taiga.

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Code licensed under the Apache License v2.0.